What is a Grey Water Recycling System?

Normally, 30 to 50 percent of the wastewater generated from a utility building is greywater. Greywater or sullage is the wastewater from non-toilet plumbing systems like hand basins, showers, baths, and washing machines.

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Proper handling of greywater helps reuse it for non-potable purposes like irrigation and flushing toilets. Greywater recycling has been shown to reduce water consumption by up to 40 percent, thus reducing water bills.

What is a Grey Water Recycling System?

So, Greywater Recycling Technology is Green, Sustainable, and Energy Efficient.

If you're aiming for Green Building Certification, such as LEED or BREEAM, greywater recycling can significantly boost your building's score.

Read On: What is Wastewater? Sullage, Sewage, and Sewers 

How Does a Greywater Recycling System Work?

A greywater recycling system is a system that collects and treats wastewater from sources like showers, baths, laundry machines, and sinks. This wastewater, known as greywater, is relatively clean compared to blackwater (sewage) and can be safely reused for non-potable purposes like irrigation and toilet flushing.

Greywater Recycling System Work
Components of a Greywater Recycling System

1. Collection Unit

The whole system first owns a collection unit. The wastewater from the building is collected and fed into a collection unit using pumps or gravity. The collection unit removes contaminants using biological, chemical, and physical actions.

2. Treatment Unit

The wastewater from the collection unit is pumped next to the treatment unit where “ultrafiltration” is conducted to remove particles, bacteria, and viruses before the next recycling stage.

3. Storage Unit

The treated wastewater is collected and stored in a designated tank. This stored water can be used as needed for toilet flushing or irrigation. However, to maintain water quality, prolonged storage should be avoided.

Types of Greywater Recycling Systems

Now, there are various variations for the greywater recycling system employed. The treatment unit can be simple or sophisticated based on the amount of greywater discharged. This shows a greywater recycling system, where the collected greywater is under a filtration treatment to avoid odor and that can be used for plant growth alone. 

Simple Greywater Recycling System

But here shows a treatment system, where the greywater is subjected to two ways of treatment. The water subjected to ultra-treatment is reused for toilet flushes and irrigation. While the water that undergoes only filtration is used to flourish plants.

Complex Greywater Recycling System

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