How to Calculate Weight of Concrete?

The weight of concrete is calculated for the smooth running of a construction process and for the final safety and quality of the final structure. Several concrete weight calculators are there on the web, but understanding concrete calculations helps to estimate the weight of concrete for any concrete structure with unconventional designs. 

How to Calculate Weight of Concrete?

This article explains in detail the data required for calculating the weight of concrete and the related construction calculations in simple steps.

Concrete Weight Calculation Formula

In order to determine the weight of concrete, we need to have volume and the density of the concrete. This is based on the formula that we were taught in our school days:

Weight = Volume x density

If the volume is in m3 and the density is in k/m3, then the weight is obtained in kg. 

The weight of reinforced concrete is the weight of the plain concrete + the weight of the reinforcement bars.

Steps to Calculate the Weight of Concrete

1. Determine the Volume of Concrete

Concrete structures can be designed in conventional shapes or in customized designs. The major formulas involved in finding the volume of concrete structures are listed in the table below:

Concrete Shape / Pipe

Volume Formula

Rectangular slab

  Length x Width x Height

Circular slab

  π x (Diameter/2)² x Height

Triangular slab

  0.5 x Base x Height x Depth

Trapezoidal slab

  0.5 x (Top width + Bottom width) x Height x Depth


  Side length³


  π x (Diameter/2)² x Height


  (4/3) x π x (Radius)³


  (1/3) x Base area x Height

Hollow pipe

  π x [(Outer Diameter/2)² - (Inner Diameter/2)²] x Length


To calculate the volume of a hollow pipe, we can use the formula:

Volume = π x [(Outer Diameter/2)² - (Inner Diameter/2)²] x Length

where π is approximately equal to 3.14.

Let's say we have a hollow pipe with an outer diameter of 15 centimeters, an inner diameter of 10 centimeters, and a length of 3 meters. We can calculate the volume as follows:

Volume = π x [(15 cm / 2)² - (10 cm / 2)²] x 3 m Volume = 3.14 x [(7.5 cm)² - (5 cm)²] x 3 m Volume = 3.14 x [56.25 cm² - 25 cm²] x 3 m Volume = 3.14 x 31.25 cm² x 3 m Volume = 295.37 cubic meters

Remember, these formulas are just a starting point and may need to be adjusted based on the specific dimensions and shape of the concrete structure.

If the area where the concrete will be poured has irregular shapes or slopes, additional calculations may be needed to determine the volume of the concrete. In this case, it may be helpful to divide the area into smaller, more manageable sections and calculate the volume of each section separately.

2. Determine the Density of Concrete

The density of normal-weight concrete is approximately 2,400 kg/m³ or 150 lb/ft³.

3. Determine the Weight of Concrete

If the density of the concrete and the volume of the concrete structure is determined, then the total volume of plain concrete is given by:

Weight of Concrete = Volume of Concrete x Density of concrete

From the above example, the concrete tube used has a volume of 295.37 m3. If the density of the concrete used is 2400 kg/m3. Then the weight of the concrete is 

W = 295.37 X 2400 = = 708,888 kg (or approximately 708.9 metric tons)

Also Read: How to Calculate Cement Required for Floor Tiling?

4. Determine the Weight of Reinforcement

If you are using reinforced concrete, you need to calculate the weight of the reinforcement and add that to the weight of plain concrete determined. 

Calculate the weight of the reinforcement by multiplying the length of each reinforcement bar by its weight per unit length. The weight per unit length of reinforcement bars varies depending on their diameter and type (such as mild steel or high-strength steel).

Total Weight of R.C.C Concrete = Weight of the Concrete + Weight of the Reinforcement

The unit weight of different grades of reinforcement varies depending on the specific grade and size of the steel bar. The most commonly used grades of reinforcement steel are Fe415, Fe500, Fe550, and Fe600.

Here are the approximate unit weights of different grades of reinforcement steel:Fe415: 7.85 kg/m
  1. Fe500: 7.85 kg/m
  2. Fe550: 7.85 kg/m
  3. Fe600: 7.85 kg/m
It is important to note that the unit weight of reinforcement steel is constant for a given grade and size of the bar, regardless of the length of the bar. This means that a 10-meter length of Fe500 steel bar has the same unit weight as a 1-meter length of the same bar.

The unit weight of reinforcement steel is a critical factor in the design and construction of reinforced concrete structures. It is used to calculate the total weight of steel required for a given structure, which in turn affects the cost and durability of the structure.


In conclusion, the weight of concrete plays a crucial role in the smooth running of the construction process and in ensuring the final safety and quality of the structure. By using the formula weight = volume x density, we can calculate the weight of plain concrete, and by adding the weight of reinforcement bars, we can determine the total weight of reinforced concrete. 

The article provides various formulas for determining the volume of different shapes of concrete structures and the density of normal-weight concrete. Additionally, the unit weight of different grades of reinforcement steel is essential in calculating the total weight of steel required for a given structure, which affects the cost and durability of the final structure. Understanding concrete calculations can help in estimating the weight of concrete for any concrete structure with unconventional designs.

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