Bricks are available in different types and they are selected based on the application. American Standard of Testing Materials (ASTM), have provided standard codes that give a clear classification of bricks based on the specific purpose they can use in construction. The classification is performed based on strength, durability, and aesthetic requirements.
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The different types of bricks and their respective standards as per ASTM are mentioned in this article.
Classification of Bricks
The different types of brick used in construction are:
- Building brick
- Facing brick
- Hollow brick
- Thin brick
- Paving brick
- Glazed brick
1. Building Brick
Building bricks are bricks that are used for both structural and non-structural brickworks, where more than appearance, it is used as a backing material. The specification for building bricks is given in ASTM C 62.
2. Facing Brick
Facing bricks are bricks that are used for both structural and non-structural masonry, including veneer. where appearance is a requirement. The specification for building bricks is given in ASTM C 216.
3. Hollow Bricks
Hollow bricks are bricks that are used as building brick or facing brick but have a greater video. Most hollow bricks are used as facing bricks in anchored veneer. Hollow bricks with larger pores are used as reinforced brickwork where steel reinforcement and grout are used. Hollow bricks standards are mentioned in ASTM C652.
4. Thin Brick
Thin bricks are bricks with thin thickness and have normal face dimensions. They are mainly used in adhered veneer applications. Thin bricks are specified in ASTM C1088.
5. Paving Brick
Paving bricks are used for wearing surfaces on clay paving systems. They are used for pedestrian and light or heavy vehicular traffic. The specifications for paving bricks are given:
- ASTM C 902: Pedestrian and Light Traffic Paving Brick
- ASTM C 1272: Heavy Vehicular Paving Brick
6. Glazed Brick
These are bricks, in which the ceramic glaze finish is fused to the brick body. The glaze can be applied before or after the firing of the brick body. These bricks can be used as structural or facing components in masonry.
The different types of glazed bricks and their respective standards are:
- ASTM C 126: Ceramic Glazed Facing Brick
- ASTM C 1405: Single Fired Glazed Brick
Durability and Exposure Conditions of Bricks as per ASTM
For durability classifications, the letters S, M, and N in C 62, C 216, C 652 and C 902 indicate the following
exposure conditions:
S indicates severe weathering.
M indicates moderate weathering.
N indicates negligible or no weathering.
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