Different Parts Of A Door

Doors for buildings are available in different types, designs and styles. In general, all doors and door frame has a general arrangement and parts. The major and important components of a common door used in buildings are mentioned below with the assistance of the fig.1 below.

Different Parts Of A Door

Door is a combination of stiles, rails and panels as shown in fig.1. Stiles are right and left most vertical members used in doors. Rails are horizontal members used in doors. The voids formed by these stiles and rails are filled using panels. 

Parts of A Door
Fig.1. Parts of A Door

The major components of a door are:
  1. Head: The door is enclosed by a frame. The top most part of the head is called as head.
  2. Horn: Horn is the projection provided on the right and left on the top of the frame to facilitate fixing of the door. Generally, the length of the horn is kept from 15 to 20cm.
  3. Top rail: Level piece of wood on the top of the door.
  4. Lock: A device mounted on the door to lock and open the door.
  5. Lock rail: Lock rails are the horizontal rails on which the lock is placed.
  6. Lock style: These are vertical stiles or members on which the lock and the holder is placed.
  7. Cross rail: These are horizontal cross members like top rail and lock rails which comes especially in 6 panel door. It is not seen on a single panel door.
  8. Bottom rail: These are horizontal members or rails like top rails placed on the bottom of the door.
  9. Mullion (1st, 2nd & 3rd Mullions): Mullions are middle vertical members that connect the cross rails. First, second and third mullions are shown in the figure.
  10. Panels: The voids created by the cross rails and the stiles are filled using panels. Panels are flat raised surfaces. Doors can be single panel, double panel etc.

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