How to Winterize Construction Sites?

Winterizing construction sites means preparing the construction sites to safely work in cold weather. Construction works during winter seasons becomes more difficult and dangerous. 

How to Winterize Construction Sites?
How to Winterize Construction Sites?

Taking proper winterizing steps in construction sites helps to:

  1. Prevents construction accidents.
  2. Lets the working crew to continue work productively and safely.
  3. The project moves forward as per the schedule.
  4. Limit citations for safety violations.
  5. Protect the overall project investment, equipment, work-ethic etc.

Steps to Winterize Construction Sites?

  1. Maintain and take steps to secure the equipment, materials, and temporary structures to prevent the potential damage.
  2. Educate the team on hazards of working in extreme weather conditions. The use of personal protective equipment (PEE) for winter conditions.
  3. Ensure to maintain a clear working space. Temperature drop makes the surfaces wet leading to risk of slippage and related injuries. So clear the space from snow, coated ice, sand etc. Surface like roofs, ladders, scaffolding, roads and so on.
  4. Consider cold weather concreting design and requirements, if concrete construction is employed.
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