Breeze Bricks - Why do You Need It?

A breeze brick or breeze block is a concrete block that is made out of concrete and ash. The name  breeze brick is commonly used in Britain where they use the word breeze to mean as "ash "or "cinder". Hence, breeze brick are also called as cinder block.

Breeze Bricks 

Breeze blocks or cinder blocks are lightweight and not used to take heavy loads. They are handled easily due to this property. 

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Breeze blocks are also called as screen blocks or ventilation bricks that are mainly ideal for separating and defining spaces from sun protection and maintain airflow.

Note: Those that use cinders (fly ash or bottom ash) as an aggregate material are called cinder blocks in the United States, breeze blocks (breeze is a synonym of ash) in the United Kingdom, and hollow blocks in the Philippines. In New Zealand and Canada they are known as concrete blocks (a name common in the United States also).

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Need Breeze Bricks

1. Versatility

Breeze bricks comes in different shapes, textures, patterns and colors that can be suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

Breeze Bricks for Outdoor Construction

2. Uniformity

Breeze blocks are applied easily due to their uniform shapes and measurement. This make an effective complete modular system. This helps to have desired accuracy that is needed the most in every construction process. 

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3. Great Performance

Breeze bricks provide great performance as its provide fewer but large joints. Joints are most vulnerable part of a structural system. So fewer the joints, higher the performance. Hence breeze bricks system are more strong and durable.

4. Cost-Effective

Breeze bricks are made out of waste products like ash and cinder which makes them cheap building material and improves speed of construction. 

5. Fire Resistance

Breeze bricks composition and structure provide good insulation towards fire and survive heat for 240 minutes. This give adequate time to save building and the property.

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