How to Waterproof Limestone Walls Using Sealer?

Limestone is a porous stone which naturally appear as white and can be stained with other colors. It posses a uniform surface that can be cut in many directions which lets to be joined with walls and other blocks. It does not demand large maintenance as its a natural stone, but as it is porous, it allow water to penetrate and will damage the material.

In this article, we will discuss the step by step procedure to waterproof limestone walls.

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How to Waterproof Limestone Walls?

One prominent method of waterproofing limestone walls is by using sealers. This involves the following steps:

Step 1: Start by cleaning the limestone wall surface using brush or broom. Clean all the loose debris, dirt and remove any hardware attached to it to perform the sealing purpose.

For more serious cleaning, a limestone cleaner can be used. It is recommended to use a limestone cleaner that is biodegradable and are not harsh. Generally, these cleaning solution is diluted in water and rubbed on the stone. But always check the instruction on the container before application. After applying the cleaning solution, wait for 15 minutes and start rinsing the walls. 

The walls can be rinsed using a power-washer for extremely dirty condition. It is desirable to do this process during sunny season to facilitate easy drying of the wall.

Step 2: Choose the limestone sealer and perform a trial on the hidden part of the wall. Allow the application to dry completely and inspect the area to ensure that the surface retains the color as required.

Note: There are several natural stone sealers that are available in the market. But each product show different result in different stones. Limestone sealers that are available in the market promotes the objective to prevent oil, water and any liquid into their pores.

Step 3: Protect the areas that do not require sealing. Cover the floors using dry cloths or masking tapes to avoid stains.

Step 4: Once the surface is prepared, the sealer solution is stirred and applied on a certain temperature. It is generally applied at a temperatures greater than 10F from freezing temperature. Mostly, the sealant is applied using brush, roller, pressure sprayer or by dipping the units in the liquid. Generally, a gallon of sealant can cover 150 to 200 sq.ft. The best application instructions will be given in product manufacture instructions.

Step 5: Always remember to wear a protective clothing and googles while applying sealant. Perform the process in a well-ventilated area. Always wash off the sealant immediately if came in contact with skin, clothes or shoes.

Step 6: Apply the first coat sealant on the limestone wall surface uniformly and allow it to dry and is absorbed completely. A second coat is applied immediately only after first coat dries out.

Step 7: Allow the sealant to dry completely. Test the wall surface by splashing water over it. If the sealant works, the water would repel the liquid. 

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