Structural Properties of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

Bamboo based on its availability has been widely and its mechanical properties are widely used as reinforcement in concrete structures. As it proves to be a sustainable solution for steel reinforcement, there are still some key questions regarding its structural capacity and future sustainability issues.
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Building in Nigeria.
To cite this article: Shogo Musbau Adeniyi and Sarajul Fikri Mohamed 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 884 012048

All major studies performed were generally based on bamboo bars that are whole culms of small diameter or semi-round strips called splints. Let's discuss some of the important properties one by one.

Also Read: How to Select and Prepare Bamboo for Concrete Reinforcement?

Structural Properties of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete

As per a study conducted (by Agarwal, it was shown that the bond between the bamboo reinforcement and concrete can be improved by using epoxy-based adhesives. As per the studies, the average bond stress of plain bamboo splints as recorded from pull-out tests was in the order of 0.13 MPa.

It was studied that a bamboo reinforcing ratio of 8% is necessary to obtain similar behavior of flexural strength of steel-reinforced concrete. It is desirable to obtain a reinforcing ratio of 0.89 % and a modular ratio of Esteel/Ebamboo = 8.3

The allowable stress is limited in bamboo-reinforced concrete as it is brittle in nature compared to ductile steel.

The characteristic values of longitudinal tensile modulus and strength are less than 10% for bamboo-reinforced concrete as per the study conducted by Kaminski et al.

The coefficient of thermal expansion of bamboo is different from that of steel and concrete. It is greater in magnitude in the traverse direction compared to the longitudinal direction which influences the composite bond behavior.

Bamboo is dimensionally unstable compared to steel and it demands some form of treatment to resist moisture transmission. Due to its anisotropic properties, the dimensional stability is not uniform along longitudinal and traverse directions.

Read More:
Bamboo as a Building Material
Practical Applications of Bamboo as a Construction Material

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2 تعليقات

  1. غير معرف19 ديسمبر

    Can Bamboo reinforcement be used for a curved structure
    Like the reinforcement beneath is radial for a semi circle

    1. Hi,
      Bamboo is considered as a flexible reinforcing material. This flexibility of bamboo has been used in various studies for curved structures like arches and beams. We would like to share two publications (links) that can help you in the research.

      Laterally Restrained Bamboo Concrete Composite Arch under Uniformly Distributed Loading :
      Bamboo Concrete Shells:

      Hope these references helps!!
      Team Prodyogi


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