Bamboo as a Building Material

Bamboo belongs to a group of plants that belong to the family of giant woody grasses. We know bamboo are used for many purposes like scaffolding for boats, furniture, food, fuel, landscape, and many more. 

Bamboo in construction can be used for various parts of a house expect in fireplace and chimney areas. In certain conditions, it can be combined with other building materials like wood, lime, clay, galvanized iron, palm leaves , cement based on the suitability, availability and cost.

When or Where to Use Bamboo as Building Material?

The decision of choosing bamboo as a primary or secondary building material is dependent on the source of the bamboo. It is employed where bamboos grow in sufficient abundance to meet the need for construction. 

The importance of using bamboo as a building material is governed by the economic level of the common people and durability and cost compared to other building material.

Bamboo construction are structurally sound to meet the local conditions. But it is employed where a proper design and average level of execution characteristics are followed.

Characteristics of Bamboo as a Building Material?

The important characteristics of bamboo when used as a building material are:
  1. Bamboos are natural units or culms whose size and shape make their handling, storing, and processing both conventional and economical.
  2. The culms or so called bamboo posses a physical structure that provides high strength-weight ratio. 
  3. Bamboos are generally round in cross-section with a hollow structure with strategically placed rigid cross-walls that prevents the unit from bending or collapse.
  4. No costly machines is required to divide the bamboo units into smaller pieces. The grain of bamboo culms can be easily sawed or chopped using simple tools.
  5. Bamboos posses a natural surface with a clean, hard and smooth surface. When bamboos are properly matured and seasoned they get an attractive color.
  6. Bamboos have little waste and no bark to remove.
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