What is Pre-construction? Pre Construction Services and Features

Pre-construction is a set of construction activities and details that are planned before the actual construction of the project. It is hence a phase of planning in the construction industry. These are mainly offered as services and are mentioned as pre-construction or pre-con.

What is Pre-construction? Pre Construction Services and Features

Hence, a pre-construction process involves the planning, coordination, and project control, from the start to completion of the project based on the requirement of the client to finally provide a project that is functionally and financially viable. 

This phase involves mainly:

  1. Laying out the scope of the entire project
  2. The Schedule of the project is based on which the construction team works.

Also Read: When Should You Use PERT in Construction?

Every construction work, both residential and commercial requires pre-construction works before further proceedings. Several construction companies provide clear and systematic pre-construction and post-construction services that make the construction process hassle-free. For instance, the construction companies in Jacksonville FL provide pre-construction services that provide value to clients with early price certainty. Their reliable conceptual budget developed based on early schematic drawings and discussions with the client helps the clients to make educated decisions on cost, design, and financing.

Need for Pre-Construction Services

Pre-construction services focus on estimating activities involved in the planning of a project. They are involved in:

  1. Project design 
  2. Project evaluation
  3. Value engineering and analysis
  4. Project Scheduling
  5. Constructability Reviews
  6. Cost of Design
  7. Permission requirements
  8. Land Acquisitions
  9. Life Cycle Costs

When the pre-construction services are delivered, there are chances for negotiations by construction managers or contractors. This is mainly finalized based on the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) of the project. After approval, the firm delivers the project. If there comes any cost saving, the profit is shared between the owner and the firm.

A good pre-construction service will

1. Let you know whether the project is feasible or not
2. The project is viable by the contractor or constructor.
3. Gives a clear idea regarding the work to be performed
4. a Better understanding of the client regarding the project

Cost of Pre-Construction Services

The cost of pre-construction services is dependent on:

1. The type of job
2. The location of the project
3. The scope of the project

The cost of pre-construction is different from the actual construction cost.

What are Pre-Construction Periods in Home Loan

When you take a home loan, there is a pre-construction period, which is the period from the day of approval of the home loan until the day of completion of the construction of the house property.

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