What are the Most Demanded Construction Jobs Around the World?

The construction industry is expecting a growth by 11 percent by 2026, as per United States Bureau of Labour and it is very much essential as construction professionals to know the most demanding jobs in construction that have a big role in this growth. The growth is expected to provide 750,000 new jobs in the industry and we will discuss the most rated and demanded jobs one by one.

1. Cost Estimator or Quantity Surveyor

A cost estimator or a quantity surveyor owe the same job responsibilities that they are named different in different areas. In USA and Canada, they are mentioned as construction cost estimators. This is not a physical type job that involve manual labor power or skills who is only supposed to determine the quantity and estimations regarding a project. The field of estimation is  very demanding job across world, and when it comes to construction, it highly ranks.

Many professionals after a smaller level of education on estimation, finance and budgeting can quickly start with this field. In many areas, civil engineers work as quantity estimators, as they have a proper knowledge on the construction terms and technicalities.

Also Read: Construction Cost Estimation

2. Construction Manager

Construction manager are one of top professionals in construction industry who are paid with a good remuneration around six figure income. This job is also demanded high. Construction managers require solid leadership to keep and maintain the project on schedule and within the budget.

3. Concrete Finisher and Cement Mason

Mason and finishers are important construction jobs who have an important role from the start to 80 percent completion of the project. They work with concrete, reinforcing, spreading, masonry and what not. With the demand for innovations in construction work, the complexity of their work increase. These are jobs that require high manual skill and hardwork. Hence, it is the a highly demanded job in construction that will require years of education and training.

4. Painter

Painting of buildings are very important work related to structures. A good painter is always in demand. This job invites entry-level experience, which later leads to better-paying jobs and permanent employment solutions. 
Painter job do not demand high skill or experience at entry level and it is a job that is demanded more for large projects.

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