The Longest Wood Made Bicycle Bridge in Europe - Pieter Smit Bridge

Pieter Smit Bridge is the longest bridge in the Europe made out of FSC certified wood. It is opened to cyclists and walkers on February 1st 2021. It is 800 m long bicycle bridge that connects Winschoten with Blauwestad.

The width of the brige is 3.5 m that consiste of four combined bridges. It is a bridge that connects the city with natural reserves and designed such that it do not interfere with the nature. 

Images: Blauwestad

The material used for this Pieter Smit Bridge is mostly constructed using FSC certified tropical hard wood. They are lit by LED lights that are energy efficient and do not cause any harm to animals. It is a bridge that sinks with the environment. The bottom space of bridge is equipped with nest boxes to accomodate birds.

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