Concrete Removal Methods in Concrete Rehabilitation

Some amount of concrete has to be removed before undergoing any form of repair or retrofitting for a concrete structure. Before an existing concrete receives a repair, it must be prepared adequately. In situations, where the damage has not affected the structural integrity of the concrete structure, there is no requirement of concrete removal.

There are several methods used to perform concrete removal. While demolishing concrete, the engineer in charge must be aware about the utilities and other embedded items that is already existing in the concrete. This can be easily understood by reviewing as-built drawings as it would provide assistance in projecting locations with difficulties and obstacles.

Read More on What are As-Built Drawings and Why are they Important?

Concrete Removal Methods

The general classification of concrete removal methods are:

  1. Blasting
  2. Crushing
  3. Cutting
  4. Impacting
  5. Milling
  6. Presplitting

Also Read: Ultimate Guide to Shear Cracks in R.C.C Beams 

Also Read: How to Fix Honeycomb in Concrete Structures?

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