When Should You Use PERT in Construction?

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management method that plays with organizing and analyzing each event happening in a construction project. PERT is project evaluation technique that are studied and performed using network charts. The whole system is performed using project management software available in he market, like smart draw etc.

Before going first with PERT, you must understand that PERT is not the first and last solution for project networking. There are construction projects that can be performed without going for higher techniques like PERT. So, here are some important aspects that one must keep in mind while you opt for PERT for your construction project.

1.  PERT for Projects with Simultaneous Moving Sections

The construction projects that involves multiple tasks in progress at a time will require specific completion windows and different parties to complete them. Hence PERT make a sense for such complex projects. 

In such a completion set of projects, PERT will help to prioritize the important activities of a construction project and their dependence with others. This gives an idea on which project must be completed first.

2. PERT for Projects with Feasibility Study

PERT is an important tool that is used commonly for the feasibility study of a construction project. The networking diagram provides a visual structure about how the project is conducted and how long the project will take to complete.

Feasibility study is the core aspect of project feasibility that is a perfect tool to help the employee determine whether the team can overcome the obstacle or not.

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1. What is PERT?? - Advantages & Disadvantages

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