Special Mortar Used in Construction

The special types of mortar used in construction are fire resistant mortar, light weight mortar, packing mortar, sound absorbing mortar and X-ray shielding mortar.

1. Fire Resistant Mortar

Fire resistant mortar is prepared by adding high alumina cement to fine powder of fire bricks in a ratio of 1:2. It is used for lining furnaces, fire places , hearth etc.

2. Light Weight Mortar

Light weight mortar is obtained by adding husk, jute fibre, coir or saw dust to lime or cement mortar. Used for heat proof constructions and sound proof constructions.

3. Packing Mortar

The composition of packing mortar is dependent on the hydrogeologic ocnditions and packing methods. It includes cement-sand, cement load and cement sand loam. It is used for packing wells.

4. Sound Absorbing Mortar

It is used to serve the purpose of sound insulation. The aggregates used for this purpose are lightweight porous materials like pumice, cinders etc. 

5. X-Ray Shielding Mortar

It is a heavy mortar with a bulk density of 22kN/m2. The aggregate used for this purpose are quartz and admixtures are added to enhance the protective property of the mortar. Used for wall and ceiling in x-ray cabinets.

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  1. غير معرف29 فبراير

    Very good notes are provided from this page..

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