How To Keep Your Home Sanitized and Germ free?

Everyone says, our home is the safest place on earth. It is no longer healthy and safe if our home is not properly sanitized and germ-free. Without much explanation, we will move on to top priority things that one must follow to keep one's home germ-free and clean for following proper hygiene. 

Before I start mentioning, please understand that every cleaning task has its importance as the home itself is a space that combines different task spaces. Stay calm and read one by one.

1. Cleaning Starts From Your Bedroom

Ignore thoughts that believe cleaning bed space is a waste of time. It brings a huge difference and the kind of peace one attains is amazing when seeing a clean space.

Cleaning Starts From Your Bedroom

2. Make a Cleaning Routine

With the increase in members of the family, the cleaning routine seems tough. But dividing the job into three or four capsules to be finished within a week is a good decision. This gives you an idea about ignored and unnoticed space in the house.

3. Daily Must Cleaning Areas

Even though there are certain cleaning that can be performed weekly, some things need to be cleaned daily without fail. I will tabulate this in columns for easy understanding.


Daily Must Clean 

 Weekly Must Clean

Monthly Must Clean 




 Terrace Space




 Indoor Garden


Living Room

 Washing Machine,Laundry

 Exterior Space



 Appliances, Fans






4. Keep Your Home Space Dry

Wet areas welcome germs. Try maximum to keep the space dry and airy to avoid infections and germs to come in. Moisture and humid areas welcome foul smells and bad odor.

5. Ventilate the Space

Daily, open the windows to facilitate the circulation of air throughout the building, enhancing the drying process in case there is any lingering moisture. This diminishes the risk of attracting molds, pests, and other undesirable elements.

Keep An Eye Out For Pests

Although the possibilities can be significantly reduced by following the above tips, there is always a chance that you'll encounter a pest scuttling around your home, and sometimes this can be a fully blown infestation that can get out of hand. There are several DIY solutions you can attempt to get rid of any unwanted intruders if you do spot some, but the safest option is to work with a company like Aptive Pest Control to get the bugs removed and measures implemented to prevent it from happening again.

6. Cook Safely and neatly

Cooking is the art of not just cooking food but doing it neatly and maintaining a clean environment. It is not compulsory to always cook mess up and clean. You can clean the area along with the cooking which can save lots of time. It may not be an easy thing. But if you practice you can gain this talent.

 It must be kept in mind that the tidiest place in one's house is the kitchen and not the living room patio and bedroom that you spend dollars to beautify.
In the kitchen, you must keep cleaning the best as its the area you make the food that you consume. How can you consume food made in an untidy space? think!!!

Cook Safely and neatly

7. Disinfect All Cleaning Equipment

Repeated cleaning makes the cleaning mops, sponges, and brooms demand their own cleaning. That is very much desirable. Make this a practice.

Disinfect All cleaning Equipment

In essence, by incorporating these recommended practices into one's routine, individuals can create a home environment that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also conducive to overall health and well-being.

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